Willow Branch Sangha
Practice Centers
Plum Village
You are warmly invited to visit Plum Village and practice with our growing international community of practice and to enjoy the wonderful energy of mindfulness. The Summer Retreat is for us to enjoy simple and peaceful living, and thereby nurture our own inner growth. We take time to look deeply in order to transform both our individual difficulties and the difficulties in our society.
Our practice at Plum Village helps us weave mindfulness into all of our daily activities. In this way we can practice meditation throughout the day, while eating, walking, working mindfully, sitting in meditation, or enjoying a cup of tea together. Visitors participate in community activities such walking and sitting meditation as well as community work such as arranging the meditation halls, cleaning bathrooms, washing pots and other simple tasks as part of the daily practice of mindfulness.
Deer Park Monastery
Deer Park Monastery is a community in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh & the Plum Village Practice Center.
This 400-acre sanctuary rests peacefully in the chaparral mountains of southern California, surrounded and protected by oaks and the natural landscape.
It was established in July 2000 by the Plum Village four-fold Sangha. Now, it is a safe and serene refuge for many practitioners to come and learn the art of mindful living and practicing with a community, or Sangha.
At Deer Park, the residential monastic community and lay Sangha practice together year round under the guidance of our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh (Thây), in the tradition of engaged Buddhism and mindfulness practice in everyday life. There are two hamlets: Solidity Hamlet (for monks and laymen) and Clarity Hamlet (for nuns and laywomen). The two hamlets come together several times a week to practice.
At Deer Park, we are nourished not just by the formal sitting meditation sessions, but also by the practice of meditation in our daily activities outside the meditation hall. We are guided by the teachings of Thây on mindfulness and peace-making. We learn to live together as a community and to take refuge in the wisdom of the Sangha.
Magnolia Grove Monastery
Magnolia Grove Monastery is a residential monastery and is simultaneously,Magnolia Village, a Mindfulness Practice Meditation Center in the tradition of Plum Village, founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
Magnolia Grove Monastery is a place to practice meditation and mindfulness. It is where every breath we take reminds us of the wonders of life. A place to sit and relax. A place to walk and kiss the earth beneath our feet. A place to rest under a willow tree on an island in a lotus pond. A place to eat together and savor every bite. A place to listen deeply to the
sounds of life and the sound of our hearts. A place to work together to build a community of love and understanding.
We emphasize community practice so that we can support each other, benefit from our collective energy, and learn to live together in harmony. We ask everyone to contribute to the collectiveenergy of practice by joining in all the scheduled activities. Plum Village observes a monastic way of life year round; we ask our guests to observe our way of mindful and ethical living as expressed in the Five Mindfulness Trainings. The Five Mindfulness Trainings are the foundation of the Plum Village community, bringing happiness and meaning to all that we do.
www.plumvillage.org www.langmai.org
Blue Cliff Monastery
Blue Cliff Monastery, set in the lush green Hudson Valley of New York, was established in May 2007 and is an extension of Plum Village meditation center in France, founded by the Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh. Like our root monastery Plum Village and sister monastery Deer Park (Escondido, California), Blue Cliff welcomes anyone who wishes to learn and cultivate the art and practices of engaged Buddhism through mindful living. Blue Cliff’s 80 acres of woodland and open space offer a peaceful sanctuary for our guests.
Magnolia Grove is a place where we can stop running, and discover peace with every step we take. A place to remind each one of us that the present moment is a wonderful moment.
Its proximity to NYC and its setting in the beautiful mountains of NY Statemakes it an ideal location for the cultivation of the path of peace, reconciliation, and happiness. The four-fold community of monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen welcomes you to join us in our daily life of mindful practice.
Other mindfulness centers in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh: